Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Golf Fitness Improves Your Golf Swing

Golf Fitness Improves Your Golf Swing 
Most professional golfers use a golf fitness program to improve their golf swing. Additionally, there is a portion of golf fitness that is receiving a lot of attention and that is "core training". Core training is the secret to a great golf swing and should be included in every golf fitness program.
The core is the part of your body that goes from below the chest to above the knees.  It includes all the muscles and nerves of the back, front and side. Core training is essential for improving your golf game, because most of the golf swing uses this area.  For instance, you must turn your shoulders and the muscles for that movement come from the core.  Also you rotate the spine which is in the core also.
Once you comprehend the relationship of the core to your golf swing, you see why core training is essential for flexibility, strength, balance and power.  If the core isn’t strong, neither will your golf swing be strong.  A golf fitness program must include the same movements as the golf swing called cross-specificity training to be effective.The majority of golfers would like to improve the distance of their shots.  This comes from increasing the speed of the club head and this comes from the power that the golfer is able to produce.  The ideal swing creates the most amount of power possible in the shortest time.  This is attained in the coiling and uncoiling within the golf swing and the power that can be produced by the body.
If the golfer can create more force, the club head will move faster and the ball will likely have increased distance.  Here again the core area is involved.  The power that the body can create is developed in the core area and the rotation for the swing comes for the core as well.  This is why core training is needed in a golf fitness program.  Not only will the ball travel farther, but other areas such as accuracy will improve when the golfer develops the core area.
A perfect golf swing needs flexibility, strength, balance and power.  A golfer needs at least marginal amounts of these elements are needed to swing a golf club efficiently.  If your swing needs work, it is very likely that your core needs to be strengthened with the cross-specific movement and positions that are used in the golf swing.  If this is not the case, the core training will be a waste of time and not much improvement will be noted.
It is important to understand the purpose of a golf fitness program is to improve the body for the golf swing.  Look for improvement in the club head speed which automatically improves the golf swing.  If you are looking to undertake a core program, look for one with exercises that are related to the movements used in a golf swing or you will not be satisfied with the results.

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